Effective Service Skills to Manage Customer Complaints

Customer complaints are opportunities not a threat. This training module provides the opportunity to learn effective service skills and proven techniques to manage customer complaints professionally to meet and exceed customer’s needs and expectations towards customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty

What you will learn include-

  • Understanding the dynamics of customers and customer service
  • Managing customer needs and expectations
  • Understanding Customer behaviours
  • Importance of customer complaints
  • Turning complaints into opportunities
  • Service attitudes in handling customer complaints
  • Managing 8 different types of customers
  • Service techniques to handle customer complaints
  • Handling difficult customers

We are experts in people skills training. E-Meg consult team have worked with organisations in a variety of industries. We bring excellence, Quality, innovation and integrity to every project we undertake. We are committed to provide customized solutions that will enhance the skills of your workforce to deliver sustainable results.


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