Effective Supervisory Skills

This module is a management course which will provide employees in leadership and supervisory role with the insight, skills and techniques to effectively manage and lead their teams.

This training programme will take supervisory skills of your employees to higher level of competence and challenge new and emerging leaders to effectively utilize crucial management tools to lead and motivate their teams.

What you will learn include-

  • Supervisory skills in the 21 st Century
  • Understanding the role of a supervisor
  • Transition to supervisory role
  • Becoming an effective supervisor
  • Leadership Vs. Management
  • Servant leadership
  • Keys to effective managerial effectiveness
  • Leading change
  • Achieving through Delegation, Feedback and Team work
  • Winning in the 21 st Century Business customer service
  • Leadership Mirror
  • Leading Service Excellence in Teams

We are experts in people skills training. E-Meg consult team have worked with organisations in a variety of industries. We bring excellence, Quality, innovation and integrity to every project we undertake. We are committed to provide customized solutions that will enhance the skills of your workforce to deliver sustainable results.


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